Nuans is the Government of Canada’s combined search tool of business names and trademarks. This tool uses a powerful algorithm to list names and trademarks similar or identical to the searched name. Nuans reports list similar corporate names and trademarks. A Nuans report is valid for 90 days. If the 90-day period has ended, you must order a new Nuans report to submit. Getting a report does not mean that your proposed name has been approved. It simply means that the name has been reserved for you for 90 days while it is being reviewed for approval. The approval process varies by jurisdiction. Required to obtain NUANS Reservation Report for each Province / Territory business registration process to complete and name approval.



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Nuans Package


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Business Name and Purpose

Federal Govt required name approval application for incorporation at the same time of Nuans report generation


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Total Cost

The final estimated price is :

(If you have reserved the name earlier)

Order Summary

Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :